
演员:Lee Marlee Matlin Remick O'Keefe Michael

导演:Karen Arthur


标签:Bisogno with story




《沉寂之桥》高清免费在线观看,本片由Karen,Arthur执导,演员Lee,Matlin,Michael,Marlee,Remick,O'Keefe出演的美国剧情片,剧情内容主要以Bisogno,with,story为主题讲述的故事,详细介绍:Marg Duffield, played by Lee Remick, is a Maine housewife married to Al (Joseph Sommer) and is the mother of Peg (Marlee Matlin), who is deaf. When Pegs husband dies in a car accident on the way to visit the Duffields Maine house, they take in Pegs six-year-old daughter, Lisa, while Peg recovers. Marg sees Lisa as the daughter she wished Peg could be and seeks to obtain custody of Lisa. However, Al refuses to help her in this plan. The teleplay, written by Louisa Burns-Bisogno with a story by Louisa and Tom Bisogno, depicts Marg as a self-hating mother consumed by guilt, unable to love her own daughter. This is in contrast to Peg, who has learned to speak for her mother despite Margs refusal to learn sign language. The story uses Tennessee Williams play, "The Glass Menagerie," as a form of therapy for Peg to overcome her grief and for Marg to let go of her fantasies and accept her daughter. Marlee Matlins portrayal of Peg is central to the narrative, with memorable scenes like her angry departure from Marg, and her emotional outburst upon hearing the news of her husbands death. The Bisognos introduce Michael OKeefe as Dan, Pegs deceased husbands best friend and the director of Actors Theatre for the Deaf, as a potential romantic interest for Peg. However, Peg refuses his advances, asserting her independence and uniqueness. Director Karen Arthur portrays sign language with both signing and verbal translation for the audience, though in one scene the dialogue is drowned out by the sound of waves. Matlin delivers strong performances, including a scream of horror and a physically intense scene where she confronts Remicks character on a flight of stairs.


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