
演员:詹妮弗·欧内尔 米丝蒂·阿哈姆 玛格丽塔·莱维瓦 苏菲·内薇德

导演:Leon Shamroy Charles Klein


标签:executes and one




《泄密的心1928》高清免费在线观看,本片由Leon,Shamroy,Charles,Klein执导,演员玛格丽塔·莱维瓦,詹妮弗·欧内尔,米丝蒂·阿哈姆,苏菲·内薇德出演的美国剧情片,剧情内容主要以executes,and,one为主题讲述的故事,详细介绍:A mentally deranged man experiences a tumultuous rollercoaster of emotions towards his neighbor, an elderly man whose intense gaze deeply unsettles him. Gradually, the initial admiration transforms into a seething hatred within the troubled man. Fueled by his spiraling delusions, he meticulously plots a flawless criminal act and puts his plan into action under the cover of darkness. The following morning, a pair of vigilant officers arrive at the disturbed mans residence responding to a reported scream that pierced the night. Welcoming the unexpected visitors into his abode, the man calmly cooperates with their inquiries and undergoes a thorough examination of his eyes by one of the officers, who absolves him of any wrongdoing. As the tension escalates, the instability of the mans psyche becomes palpable through the ominously askew camera angles, reflecting his internal chaos. With a growing crescendo in his chest, the man endeavors to entice the officers to linger, and proceeds to entertain them with his convoluted musings on criminality.


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