
演员:乔治·布伦特 泰隆·鲍华 玛娜·洛伊



标签:seven came Ransome




《雨季来临》高清免费在线观看,本片由克拉伦斯·布朗执导,演员泰隆·鲍华,乔治·布伦特,玛娜·洛伊出演的美国剧情片,剧情内容主要以seven,came,Ransome为主题讲述的故事,详细介绍:The daring Lady Edwina Esketh embarks on a journey to the princely state of Ranchipur in India alongside her husband, Lord Albert Esketh, who is on a mission to purchase some of the Maharajahs prized horses. To her surprise, she encounters an old acquaintance, Tom Ransome, who had arrived in Ranchipur seven years earlier to paint the Maharajahs portrait and ended up staying. Despite Ransomes reputation for womanizing and excessive drinking, Edwina, feeling restless and seeking excitement, befriends him. As Edwinas curiosity about Ranchipur deepens, she crosses paths with the dedicated and earnest local doctor, Major Rama Safti. Initially unresponsive to her advances, Saftis attention is eventually piqued. However, when a devastating dam failure leads to widespread flooding and disease during the seasonal rains, Ranchipur faces a dire humanitarian crisis. In the face of tragedy, Ransome, Edwina, and the entire community rally together tirelessly to rescue and aid those affected. Safti is profoundly moved by Edwinas selfless commitment to the relief efforts, but their burgeoning connection is abruptly thwarted by unforeseen circumstances.


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