《新鲜1994》高清免费在线观看,本片由鲍兹·亚金执导,演员劳伦斯·班德,McClarin,Jean-Claude,伊丽莎白·罗德里格斯,肖恩·尼尔森,La,Rodriguez,Víctor,达文尼亚·麦克法登,吉安卡罗·埃斯波西托,特雷西·维拉尔,恩布希·赖特,Lantigua,Marre,Ron,Freeman,Jason,马修·法伯,塞缪尔·杰克逊,尤尔·瓦斯克斯,González,Brice,Howze,Cheryl,Thomas,何塞·祖尼加,Curtis,保罗·J·Q·李,Luis,查尔斯·马利克·威特福德,Zakee,古列雷莫·迪亚兹,Anthony出演的美国恐怖片,剧情内容主要以his,cousins,and为主题讲述的故事,详细介绍:Michael, also known as Fresh, is a 12-year-old boy living in a cramped household with his cousins and aunt. His father has fallen into a life on the streets but still tries to connect with Fresh by playing chess together. Despite the chaotic environment surrounding him, Fresh remains reserved and observant. His elder sister struggles with drug addiction and often gets involved with the dealers that Fresh works for.
As the plot unfolds, Fresh undergoes a transformation as he comes to the realization that he no longer wants to be involved in selling drugs. Instead, fueled by a desire for justice, he sets his sights on seeking revenge.