《在一月的声音里刻下喜悦》高清免费在线观看,本片由三岛有纪子执导,演员丰田真帆,松本妃代,原田龙二,坂东龙汰,卡塞尔·麻纪,前田敦子,哀川翔,長田诗音,宇野祥平,片冈礼子出演的日本剧情片,剧情内容主要以北海道,大阪,方舟为主题讲述的故事,详细介绍:"Cherishing the Voice of January" is an original project that Ishima embarked on based on an "incident" that he had been confronting for 47 years, starting from an independent film. Set in three locations - Nakajima in Lake Toya, Hokkaido, Hachijojima in the Izu Islands of Tokyo, and Namba in Osaka - the film revolves around the inner conflicts surrounding "Reiko," an important character in the story. With the theme of the "ark" and the roles of "those sailing," "those waiting for the ship," and "those coming by ship," the film intertwines the struggles of three individuals who each carry emotional scars, resulting in three intersecting storylines. When these separate stories on different "islands" converge through a common thread, surprising truths are revealed.